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#6690 written by jayjaybook 10 years ago
Hi, I wanted to download Lost Girl s02 but it is asking for a password. I tried my password for the site but it doesn’t work.
Thanks for any help.
#6691 written by lordsource 10 years ago
#6693 written by junkYXX 11 years ago
#6695 written by zlatkovujovic 11 years ago
Sorry to bother you again, but right now i can’t download anything.
The servers S11-S13 are acting out again with great speeds around 20 KB/s (except very early in the morning) and the only proper working server S14 looks dead, giving ‘Bad Gateway’ on different links. Tried with Castle S03 and Warehouse 13 S02.
When will Extmatrix work like other normal hosters?
I’m grateful for all the great stuff you are providing, but it’ impossible to know when something is going to work, especially while most files are on S13, followed by S11-S12.
ZV -
#6696 written by Timdoggrev 11 years ago
#6698 written by Jiffy11 11 years ago
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Didn't find any related posts :(
Do you have links for Killer Women S01E07 & S01E08.
Unaired versions, only online available on