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#4898 written by banzoid360 9 years ago
Dear Crazyhdsource team,
Good Day
I was wondering how can I be upgraded to be a premium member on your website so I can get access to all the links?
I am also a premium member on HD4Fun for the past six months and have used that website regularly, including this one.
I have also a premium ExtMatrix account that is valid until end april and I plan to extend it as well.
Can you kindly advise on the above?
Thanks and Kind Regards,
#4901 written by ran619 10 years ago
#4903 written by Troko241 10 years ago
#4905 written by ga135208 10 years ago
#4907 written by mouseman 10 years ago
#4908 written by lordsource 10 years ago
#4909 written by mouseman 10 years ago
hello lordsource, maybe i’m doing this wrong but i clicked on the little red box with a red arrow pointing northeast ..that reads ( ) next to the extramatrix banner.then i paid for 1 month.. under my extamatrix account usser evilmouse, i can even send u a copy of my invoice? please help me ..i love this site and would like be a premium member anyway possible.
#4912 written by amenra7 10 years ago
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