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#4752 written by Herickson 9 years ago
No one will help me? .. I’m already a customer of, and need to download some things ( sorry the mistakes, I am Brazilian, I am not very good at English )… I’m almost hopeless .. the site is simply fantastic, has everything I need .. please me of my access, so I can download what I need!!! Please lordsource
#4755 written by greenrachel 9 years ago
#4757 written by Moder75 9 years ago
Hi there, I’m new to your site – it’s fantastic, well done! Just a wee problem with some of the links. When I click on the individual episode link, it doesn’t download, but comes up with a page saying comments closed. My friend tries clicking on the same links under his login and is able to download the eps. Is there something you can do to help, or can you tell me what I might need to do? Please let me know if you need more information.
Thank you!
#4759 written by xcalibr 9 years ago
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Following up on my earlier request. Please give me access to hidden links. I have signed up for extmatrix premium.