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#4729 written by newt420 9 years ago
I cant seem to find the links for my wife and kids s03 s04 s05, I paid for 30 days ExtMatrix premium mainly for this show. When I click the link that says click here for downloading links it brings me to a page that says links 1st dec 2014. Maybe something wrong with the links page because it was originally posted on dec 5th?? Any help would be greatly appreciated, also I cant seem to get the links for these episodes to work either,my wife and kids ,s01e06, s01e09 s02e15, s02e21, s02e24, s02e25, s02e26, s02e27
#4731 written by macdizzle 9 years ago
#4733 written by Herickson 9 years ago
lordsource… I get all the time updating the site, waiting for a response yours… you asked me, (Your extmatrix account name plz) I try to answer you that my USERNAME is (erenimo) in ExMatrix, more I no have success.. I’ve tried several times
.. send me an email, you should have my email.. PLZ lordsource
Thanks so much!!
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Hi, I’m ExtMatrix premium account
Can I please have access to the hidden links of The Class? please