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#4234 written by bob121213 9 years ago
#4235 written by lordsource 9 years ago
Windows 7
Click the Start Orb, then select Control Panel.
Click on Network and Sharing Center.
Click on your primary connection or Local Area Connection under Active Networks.
Click the Properties button.
Windows 7 may prompt you for permission to make network setting changes.
Highlight ‘Internet Protocol Version 4′ and click Properties.
Click the radio button ‘Use the following DNS server addresses:’ and type and in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields.
Click OK button, then the Close button, then Close again. Finally, close the Network and Sharing Center window.
At this point, we highly suggest that you flush your DNS resolver cache and web browser caches to ensure that your new configuration settings take effect.Have you tried this?
#4237 written by SmartBeeens 9 years ago
#4241 written by painball 9 years ago
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Right now i need access to law and order S02-S04 and S03
And Yes I Purchased the premium account