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#3719 written by nacotuesday 9 years ago
I got this error “check sign failedFeedback signStr:MODULE_PAYMENT_GLBPAY_SSLKEYen-us2M023Signature errorcheck sign success
2Signature error ”same as someone else I found doing a google search. I just hope that they respond and fix this. Could be due to the way I entered information… ie phone number or bank issuer is my guess.
#3722 written by nacotuesday 9 years ago
#3724 written by nacotuesday 9 years ago
#3728 written by valterber 9 years ago
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Also I have found 5 that are on a problematic server #10, I saw someone else had this problem and that you offered to re do it. Would it be possible to do these…
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Thank you.