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  • slowpoke
    #3073 written by slowpoke 8 years ago

    May I get the links for Louie S03 1080p? (They are hidden.)

  • HotteHotte
    #3074 written by HotteHotte 8 years ago

    Hi there,

    just reactivated my ExtMatrix Account.
    Please grant me access to the Download Links again.


  • brumblebee
    #3075 written by brumblebee 8 years ago

    Can you re up these dead ones please?

    Motive.S01E06.1080p.WEB DL.DD5.1.H.264 KiNGS.mkv 1.62 GB
    Motive.S01E07.1080p.WEB DL.DD5.1.H.264 HKD.mkv 1.65 GB
    Motive.S01E08.1080p.WEB DL.DD5.1.H.264 KiNGS.mkv 1.53 GB

  • amenra7
    #3076 written by amenra7 8 years ago

    Hey Lord source, I’m not sure what’s going on with Extmatrix but this entire month has been frustrating, because all the links that I try to download doesn’t seem to be getting access to the Extmatrix website. also my favorite downloaders like MYPONY or JDOWNLOADER are having problems verifying my account also. I’ve been a member over a year now and its been great, but I barley used my paid premium account this month.

    Please Reach Back

  • rajkpt
    #3079 written by rajkpt 8 years ago

    Hi, Any chance to reupload Scrubs? The reason being, at least one of the rar files is on S10 server for all seasons..Appreciate it

    • rajkpt
      #3080 written by rajkpt 8 years ago

      Thanks a lot for reuploading them

  • mrburns
    #3081 written by mrburns 8 years ago

    Hi m8,

    Would you be so kind to upgrade my account again, just renewed my extmatrix, that was signed up through this site. Thanks in advance 🙂

  • Floyd
    #3082 written by Floyd 8 years ago

    Sent you a message. Check it please.

  • klouny
    #3083 written by klouny 8 years ago

    Can you fix the links for Lipstick Jungle S02E09 and S02E11? They go to but won’t download even though I have a pro account. All the other episodes in season 2 work – just not those two for some reason. Thanks!
    It sounds like the same issue as MovieBuff44.

  • MovieBuff44
    #3084 written by MovieBuff44 8 years ago

    Hey mate, just curious as to what causes some of the files for certain shows to not download even though they show availability and online status? What would it take to bring back the files back online? Would be glad to help anyway I can if any. Thanks!

    • klouny
      #3085 written by klouny 8 years ago

      I’m having the same issue. It might just be an issue with extmatrix, but I hope not. I’m only missing two episodes from a series and I could only find them here but the links aren’t working!

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