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  • rajkpt
    #3038 written by rajkpt 8 years ago

    Would you please upload the following The Goldbergs episodes that are on inaccessible S10 server – Season 1 – episodes 16,17,19,23 and Season 2 – episodes 01,07, 09.. Thank you

  • mckflz
    #3039 written by mckflz 8 years ago

    Hello, when I click on a link I’ve got this message “Try Contact Page to get access to rest parts or the latest episode.”I think this is the message you get when you(re not logged in, but I am already Could you tell me what to do ? thank you .

    • OldGeezer916
      #3042 written by OldGeezer916 8 years ago

      Same here. Says bad gateway.

  • pty71
    #3043 written by pty71 8 years ago

    Today I don’t have full access to the site. I don’t understand why, because my extmatrix account is premium until october. For example, I can’t see the links of Guilt S01E09, I only see this message: “Sorry you have no rights to view this page!”
    Can you fix it, please.

  • Daredevil2014
    #3045 written by Daredevil2014 8 years ago

    Since you can’t give me full access to your site until 4 to 6 weeks from now, I got a refund from my credit card company since ExtMatrix don’t reply to any of my e-mails, so my credit card company decided to refund me , so go ahead and cancel my account, if you ever fix your situation then let me know I will gladly come back. Thanks

  • danielobros
    #3046 written by danielobros 8 years ago

    Hi I have left a few comments on certain pages in order to view download links, like this one for example:

    But after I comment, I still see no download links. Are they just meant to appear? I am a little confused as to how it works lol.

  • njorozco
    #3047 written by njorozco 8 years ago

    I just purchased premium through the referral link. How do I get access to the hidden links? Thanks!

  • Karabas
    #3048 written by Karabas 8 years ago


    They said fixed,so how about now guys?

    Thanks! It’s working now.

  • Mattax
    #3050 written by Mattax 8 years ago

    Links for Dark Matter S02E07 and KillJoys S02E07 continue to time out for the past 24 hrs. I cannot get them to download. Thanks.

  • Karabas
    #3051 written by Karabas 8 years ago

    Hello, could you please give us an update on the extmatrix status? ETA on when it will be back up? Thanks.

    • lordsource
      #3052 written by lordsource 8 years ago

      They said fixed,so how about now guys?

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