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  • SkyKing20
    #2678 written by SkyKing20 8 years ago

    Hi lordsource, I need to renew my subscription to (
    Can I pay it now or do I need to wait for an email from you first?

    Kind Regards

    • lordsource
      #2679 written by lordsource 8 years ago

      Check your email plz.

  • brumblebee
    #2680 written by brumblebee 8 years ago

    Would it be possible to put up CSI Miami S01E10 1080p WEB-DL? Please? I have no use for the 720p one as I want a complete set.

  • Jarlaxle
    #2681 written by Jarlaxle 8 years ago

    I signed up at ExtMatrix for a full year via your referral link with this username; could you please provide access to links again? Thanks!

    • lordsource
      #2682 written by lordsource 8 years ago

      Trazmann is.
      And Jarlaxle is not a referral user to crazyhdsource,sorry:(

      • Jarlaxle
        #2683 written by Jarlaxle 8 years ago

        That might be an old account, but I renewed via your referral link with the Jarlaxle account for a full year. “Premium Start: 29-10-2016
        Premium End: 24-10-2017” Or are you saying the problem is where the account originated (in 2012~) rather than where it was renewed from? Because I did so via your link? Please let me know.

        • lordsource
          #2684 written by lordsource 8 years ago

          Referral cannot be changed,so if A account is referral to crazyhdsource,then it will be forever.
          But if A is not,then it won’t be forever…
          Jarlaxle is not a referral user to crazyhdsource,it will never be whatever you do.
          And I checked email history between us on 2014/10/3.You said”Do you accept donations to gain access when a person already has an ExtMatrix account”,and on 2014/10/4
          you said”I’ve created a new ExtMatrix account via your referral link under the name Trazmann.” So Jarlaxle is the older one,right?

  • Bob101165
    #2685 written by Bob101165 8 years ago
  • anulador
    #2686 written by anulador 8 years ago

    Is there Greys Anatomy season 9, 11 and 12 here? I can’t find

  • Jarlaxle
    #2688 written by Jarlaxle 8 years ago

    Hello, my ExtMatrix account has been renewed, can you please provide access again? Cheers.

  • bBop87
    #2689 written by bBop87 8 years ago

    hey, re-upped my extmatrix subscription, can I get access again please?

    Thanks 🙂

  • notes2tom
    #2690 written by notes2tom 8 years ago

    Any chance the links for “Money Monster” can be fixed? Thanks

  • Jazza
    #2691 written by Jazza 8 years ago

    I’ve renewed my extmatrix subscription.
    Can I please have access again?
    Thank you.

  • Floyd
    #2692 written by Floyd 8 years ago

    Good afternoon, Lordsource.

    Please check your inbox e-mail. I sent you a message. Thank you.

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