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#2476 written by Mattax 8 years ago
#2477 written by lordsource 8 years ago
hope this will help.
#2478 written by Mattax 8 years ago
Can you provide a complete list of IP addresses to add to our hosts file? Due to timeout errors, I have added the few I can see based on the files I’m downloading, but still get time out errors from other files that I have yet to add to the hosts file. The DNS does not always show thus why I’m asking. So far, I’ve added S4, S5, and Thanks.
#2481 written by ormani26 8 years ago
#2482 written by lordsource 8 years ago try this,if not help then don’t know what happened…
#2485 written by brumblebee 8 years ago
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I’ve added all of the links to the hosts file and now everything times out. I’ve flushed the DNS as well. Is there some other setting I need to change in Firefox, Chrome or router? I cannot access extmatrix from any device including my phone which is on an independent network from my PCs.