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#1689 written by pty71 7 years ago
Hi Lordsource!
I can’t find the links of Lost S02:
The page says: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wwwroot/ on line 138
Can you fix it?
Thanks -
#1693 written by catandcarol 7 years ago
#1698 written by ZazaBB 7 years ago
Hey there! – Would it be too awful much trouble to restore the links to:
2017-04-28 Bron S02 Complete 720p Bluray DD5.1 x264 DONThey seem to have disappeared.
…and while I’m at it, I am a member on several forums and when there is a worthy site like this I am happy to offer a donation to help defray costs. If you are accepting any, please let me know how to go about it. I am a long time Elder at Bolt if that helps to verify my claim.
Thanks for the content and retention you have.
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Hi – I know you’re busy, but can you tell me if restoring the links to: 2017-04-28 Bron S02 Complete 720p Bluray DD5.1 x264 DON will happen anytime soon? Was hoping to get it before Thanksgiving. If you think it’s realistically not going to happen, could you please just leave a reply and I’ll try to get them a different way or may have to buy the season from eBay or somewhere. – Thanks for your help and reply.