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  • OldGeezer916
    #795 written by OldGeezer916 4 years ago

    Any chance you could have a button that is complete season packs?

    • lordsource
      #796 written by lordsource 4 years ago

      What do you mean?
      One buttone for all ended series?
      Maybe try search “complete seasons”?

    • OldGeezer916
      #797 written by OldGeezer916 4 years ago

      Yes, tried “complete seasons”, complete & just season. It brings up one page of season packs, but when you click page 2 it just keeps bringing up the 404 error. I have tried hitting F5 to refresh dozens of times for several minutes & it still shows nothing but 404. This has been happening with all searches now. If what you are looking is not on the first page, you are out of luck. Refresh used to work, but not any more. Does the same thing with Firefox & Chrome. Could there possibly be some WordPress updates you need?

  • cosmicforged
    #799 written by cosmicforged 4 years ago

    Good Afternoon! I was wondering if you would be able to get ‘River (2015)’. It is a BBC mini-series. Thank you either way!

    • lordsource
      #800 written by lordsource 4 years ago

      Will reupload it.

  • OldGeezer916
    #801 written by OldGeezer916 4 years ago

    Sometimes the main groups like NTb & KINGS just stop releasing episodes from a series. There are a number of newer groups that that I have found are good. Can you post these rather than just quit on them? An example is The Conners. You stopped at episode 7, but I have 8 & 9 in KOGI & CAKES & they are good. No watermark & all that other junk like an HDTV. The file size is the same as NTb.

  • ormani26
    #803 written by ormani26 4 years ago

    Family business season 2 on bet had 12 episodes. The last 6 premiered on December 31st please find them mr john lordsource IM BEGGING YOU

    • lordsource
      #804 written by lordsource 4 years ago

      Will try my best.

  • ormani26
    #805 written by ormani26 4 years ago

    Did u find family business season 1 and season 2 show on BET +

  • OldGeezer916
    #806 written by OldGeezer916 4 years ago

    I didn’t think my first payment went through to Extmatrix to renew another year, so I ran it through again. Then 2 payments showed up on my MasterCard. I left a support message telling them they can either refund one or extend me 2 years. I have not gotten a reply. I haven’t received any confirmation of my renewal either. Do you have any contacts with them? My username is my email & you have that. Any idea how they might handle that?

    • lordsource
      #807 written by lordsource 4 years ago

      I will try to email them:)

    • OldGeezer916
      #808 written by OldGeezer916 4 years ago

      I got the confirmation email for another year. They are going to refund the extra payment. I’m good until April 13th 2022. Please make sure you have it in. I sometimes still run across protected links.

      • lordsource
        #809 written by lordsource 4 years ago

        All good here:)
        Just tell me if any problem.

  • hurricanedrunk
    #810 written by hurricanedrunk 4 years ago

    Links are missing from is there anyway to get them reuploaded?

  • ormani26
    #812 written by ormani26 4 years ago

    Im looking for season 1 and Season 2 Of family business its a show on BET OKEASE FIND THIS IVE BEEN LOOKING HIGH AND LOW FOR THIS PLEASE THANK YOU MR LORD SOURCE

  • DeadGirl
    #813 written by DeadGirl 4 years ago

    Thank you for all the links you’ve fixed! Much appreciated. 🙂

    Is there any chance you could add Smallville? (Specifically seasons 4, 6 and 10? In 720p or 1080p) Thanks in advance.

  • DeadGirl
    #814 written by DeadGirl 4 years ago

    Hi, the download link is missing for Friend Request (2016). Any chance to get this re-added? Thank you!

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