Leave message here or try email to ––
#756 written by sharp58 3 years ago
I guess both these sites are not an option as most links are hidden deleted and no way it seems to get them un-Hidden no way to update or change or modify account other than password as it seems like a problem from the one response I got guess just wasted my money and time wil stick with Takefile and others as they are easier to obtain files and response times are better this site your in limbo other than the latest b-rated films and a handful of good legit films dont know about all the series the x files were good but likewise many series have missing files and no response as if they are available or not and movies like i wrote above many quality films are hidden or missing the link and no status if they are available or not
#759 written by sharp58 3 years ago
#762 written by sharp58 3 years ago
Were you able to locate my account sharptask58 on extmatrix and how to apply this to this sites registration my registration username here is sharp58 while the username I registered with extmatrix is the first above and see no option here to change my username to reflect the extmatrix username is it possible if needed on your end to delete my current acount and can re-register as sharptask58 would that make it easier?
#763 written by ClosetKPopAnimeFan 3 years ago
#765 written by ClosetKPopAnimeFan 3 years ago
I sent you an email about it with more detail, but I found some older posts like Transporter The Series Season 2 which have links for only one out of 12 episodes. I assumed the rest were hidden links, but there was no link to the hidden links post. I also wanted to get Ascension (2014) but the link to the hidden links only has the links to 2 of the 3 episodes and all of the links do not work when i press the download button. So I’m not certain what the issue is, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
#767 written by lordsource 3 years ago
#769 written by hollywoodhoggie 3 years ago
any chance to update Arrested Development links?
#771 written by seregil79 3 years ago
I’m guessing the moderation was because I used links (sorry about that. feel free to delete that version of the post.)
The post that I made before the one 1 day ago that beings with “while downloading…” was this:
Could you please upload the missing 1080p episodes of Elementary? They are missing either all or part of the download for each of them. These are them:S01E01, S01E16, S01E17, S01E18, S01E20, S01E22, S01E23E24
S02E05, S02E09, S02E14, S02E21
S03E05, S03E13
S04E15, S04E18, S04E19, S04E20, S04E21, S04E22, S04E23, S04E24
Thanks you so much for all your effort to make our lives more fun 🙂
So to include it all in a single post, the second part was this:
While downloading all the seasons of Elementary, I’ve also run across 16 episodes the links aren’t working for. The others I listed don’t have links at all, but these 16 have links that don’t work. All are for the 1080p:
S01E15, S02E01, S02E04, S02E06, S02E08, S02E11, S02E15, S02E17, S02E19, S03E07, S03E08, S03E09, S03E10, S03E11, S03E12, S03E19If these could be uploaded with new links that would be wonderful too 🙂
thanks again for everything.
(feel free to delete the other post and the one that is still in moderation. sorry for any confusion).
#773 written by lordsource 3 years ago
check the bottome of each page
#774 written by seregil79 3 years ago
While downloading all the seasons of Elementary, I’ve also run across 16 episodes the links aren’t working for. The others I listed don’t have links at all, but these 16 have links that don’t work. All are for the 1080p:
S01E15, S02E01, S02E04, S02E06, S02E08, S02E11, S02E15, S02E17, S02E19, S03E07, S03E08, S03E09, S03E10, S03E11, S03E12, S03E19If these could be uploaded with new links that would be wonderful too 🙂
thanks again for everything.
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What does be my referrer mean that is what i got when checking sopranos season 1 is there anyway to get these files